Breaking Down Fat

The wording of this question no doubt comes from Wikipedia, but in scientific terms it's somewhat misleading, to say the least, to describe bile as a compound. It's a fluid, composed (according to Wikipedia itself) of 97% water, 0.7% bile salts, 0.2% bilirubin, 0.51% fats (cholesterol, fatty acids, and lecithin), and 200 meq/l inorganic salts. (Meq/l is an abbreviation for 'milliequivalents per litre'.)

Water is a compound, and bilirubin is a very complicated compound; 'bile salts' and 'inorganic salts' are generic terms for several different compounds; each of the substances grouped together as 'fats' is also a compound.

Bile is just a fluid, composed of various compounds; you could describe it as a substance.

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